Poor Contact Center Audio Quality: It Could be Costing More Than You Think

Poor Contact Center Audio Quality: It Could be Costing More Than You Think

Friday 04/28/2023
Written by:
Jamie Coutts
Category: Telecom


Measuring call quality is one of the leading KPIs contact center operators monitor, and for good reason. The quality of call handling can have a significant impact on the bottom line. While call quality generally measures the performance of the overall agent-to-customer interaction, there is another aspect of measuring and optimizing call quality that can have a significant impact: the quality of the actual audio. Poor audio quality can lead to dissatisfied customers who take their business elsewhere, as well as longer call handling times that add to the cost per call.


The Cost of Poor Audio Quality


In numerous surveys, customers have indicated that poor voice quality negatively impacts how they view their calling experience. This can show up in lower CSAT or NPS scores. If the voice quality on a particular call is bad enough, it could result in the caller hanging up and dialing back in. And when it takes multiple calls to the contact center to resolve a single issue, satisfaction scores take a major hit.

A study by Salesforce found that 57% of consumers have switched to another provider after just one bad customer experience. Since the cost of gaining a new customer is typically 6-7 times more than the cost of retaining an existing one, the financial impact of a negative customer experience can be significant.

Aside from the “soft costs” of poor customer experience, there is another way to measure the financial impact of poor audio quality. Studies suggest that a call with poor audio quality raises the average handle time by 27%. If we assume an average cost per call of $4, then the cost of a call with bad audio goes up to around $5 per call. Now assume that 2% of all calls have poor quality. In that scenario, an agent who handles 100 calls per day would have an added cost of $2 per day or $40 per agent per month, which is significant.

Star Telecom is a premium provider of cloud contact center and telecom services solutions. With a passion for providing the highest quality solutions and customer care, the company has achieved an industry-leading telecom services availability of 100% and a CSAT score of 100% across its broad client base. Star Telecom is also a Genesys Gold Partner, certified Bring Your Owen Carrier provider and the winner of the 2022 award “Canada Partner of the Year”.

Sometimes, cheaper doesn’t mean cost savings. Choosing the best quality telecom to pair with your Cloud Contact Center solution proves to provide ample cost savings in the short & long term.




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